Sunday 23 May 2021

Golden Oriole continues midlands good form



Lamb on the farm


Barn Swallows




Green-veined White


Grizzled Skipper


Dingy Skipper

A pretty quiet week at the pits despite some favourable conditions. I picked up a single Common Tern early on in the week whilst a Garden Warber was an addition in the company of Jon on Sunday.

The previous day I had a few hours with the Squire at Monk Wood close to Worcester to get some brief views of a Golden Oriole.  Sadly it was not an adult bird so locating it was extremely difficult despite it singing beautifully on and off. It was a lifer for the Squire and as pleasing as it was we couldn't wait to get out of there due to the amount of people. Other sightings included a Treecreeper, two Hawfinch, Garden & Willow Warbler.

On Sunday I nipped up to Honeybourne to see if any Dingy Skippers had emerged. I was however greeted with a heavy rain shower so I made use of the bridge to take cover. Then as if by magic the sun emerged giving enough heat to tempt the Dingy & Grizzled Skippers out. The numbers were low but predicatable given the weather.

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